Dear parents/guardians,

As school resumes for tomorrow (October 8th, 2019), our students' safety is of primary concern. Please note the following arrangements regarding attendance:

  1. Please assess traveling conditions and allow for additional time for students to travel to school, in order to arrive punctually.
  2. Due to various road conditions, it has been decided that lateness will not be counted against the boys for October 8th.
  3. If parents come to the conclusion that they prefer to keep their boys at home due to the special circumstances, they should submit the usual absent notification, per school policy.
  4. During the last lesson of the day, teachers will remind students to check with the families first before leaving the campus. Students will be allowed to access their cell phones during this time, under teachers' supervision.

Looking forward to seeing you all back on the Hill soon. 

Yours faithfully,
R. K. Y. Cheng
Diocesan Boys' School

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